Countdown to the Retail Design Expo 2016
We’ve been very busy in the Barber Design offices this week as we gear up for the Retail Design Expo 2016, which is taking place next Wednesday and Thursday – from the 9th-10th of March at London’s Olympia. Last year was the inaugural event and according to organisers, the pre-registered visitor numbers for this year’s event are up by more than 40 per cent compared to this time last year, suggesting that this years’ event is going to be spectacularly successful!
We had an absolute ball at last year’s expo and are really looking forward to setting up our stand next week and meeting more potential and existing retail design customers from across the globe. The Retail Design Expo has rapidly become Europe’s leading industry-specific event for the retail design, marketing, visual merchandising and shop fitting industry and we are assured that this years’ event will be bursting with even more influential and innovative exhibitors and visitors from around the world.
According to the Retail Design Expo event director, Annie Swift all the signs are indicating that last year’s launch has firmly established Retail Design Expo as one of the main events in the retail industry calendar:
“Every aspect of the event has grown, with more exhibitors, more theatres and more speakers. We have added Retail Digital Signage Expo, and we are still co-located with the indispensable RBTE, which showcases the retail technology we will all be using in the future.
“With massive investment in retail property set to happen over the next couple of years, this is due to be an unmissable event. These trends in design, in-store marketing, digital signage and technology are more important than ever as brands compete for the most effective stores in the most appealing locations,”
More than 200 companies will be exhibiting at this years’ Expo event, which will be joining forces with RBTE and Retail Digital Signage Expo in order to offer a total of more than 650 suppliers showcasing their latest products and ideas.
We are immensely excited about showcasing our work at the Retail Expo again in 2016. On the back of last years show we met some exciting brands and have developed some great retail projects for new clients both in the UK and globally. We look forward to meeting you all again soon and discussing how we can be of help with your brand aims and ambitions for the coming year and beyond!
Doug Barber, Barber Design
The event is completely free to attend so if you are interested to find out what the Barber Design team can do for your business come and find us on stand G21 and see what we’ve got to offer! Sign up here: