Kai Tak Retail Design Project
2014 is shaping up to be an interesting year already for Barber Design. We are currently working on a very exciting retail design project at the newly opened Kai Tak Cruise Ship Terminal in Hong Kong.
Kai Tak is built on the site of the former Airport and is intended as a regional transport hub for cruise liners. It was designed by British architects Foster and Partners whom we have blogged about before – their award-winning and cutting edge designs such as London’s ‘Gherkin’ have helped them receive international acclaim. Now the Chinese government want to turn the site into more than just a travel hub but also a destination for tourists. They are currently developing the site beside the cruise ship terminal to host a range of exciting tourist attractions including a London Eye-style Ferris Wheel and a huge sports complex plus a vast array of interesting shops and restaurants, all based along the waters edge. As always we aren’t allowed to say much about this project at this stage but we will keep you updated and will feature many pictures of the finished article once it is completed.