White Rabbit – launderette revamp a great retail interior solution as Asian Kitsch hits Cape Town.

Photo by Mike Petrucci on Unsplash

Following our recent article about Wasbar – a Belgian launderette that is also a bar and music venue, we’ve just discovered another exciting and unusual place to wash your clothes – introducing the White Rabbit Wash House in Cape Town. The launderette itself has been open for more than 20 years but has recently had a makeover in Asian Kitsch by new owner, Richard Griffin. Richard is the owner of the Zingara Group – a chain of very successful restaurants including the Sidewalk Café, Don Pedros, Bombay Bicycle Club and Madame Zingara. He has using the White Rabbit for his restaurant laundry for several years and as his washing bills increased year on year he realised the best solution would be to buy the whole launderette with a new retail interior solution and do the laundry himself – whilst also injecting some fun into the process by giving the decor a complete re-working in his own signature style.

The newly redesigned interior now includes internet facilities in a dazzling environment – no more staring at grey walls or washing going round and round as you wait – the White Rabbit makes any trip to the launderette a fun and interesting experience. The interior of the launderette follows an Asian kitsch theme, with dozens of golden beckoning cats, Japanese dolls and lotus flowers adorning the electric blue walls and clusters of paper lanterns and top hats which have been made into lamps, suspended from the ceiling.

The Launderette’s motto is “wash wash the best for cheap cheap”  and students, pensioners and Zingara Group restaurant staff receive discounts at the launderette to make the whole experience affordable as well as fun.