Understanding Retail Design
There are many different aspects which need to be considered when it comes to retail design, and these considerations can vary greatly from design to design. However, there are certain fundamental issues which all retail space designs need to consider:
Understanding the importance of utilising space
Efficient space utilisation is one of the most important aspects of any retail space design. In essence, this means that displays, services, storage and customer movement all need to be integrated into the design in the best possible way.
Understanding target customers
The success of any retail store will depend largely on understanding who the vendor’s target customers are. Basically, this means that retail designers need to create a space that is relevant and inviting to the customers who are most likely to buy the vendor’s products. For example, a high-end retailer that sells ladies clothing for thousands of pounds will not be trying to entice teenage girls into their store as they will not have the money to buy the products on offer.
Understanding effective product display
Visibility of products plays a vital role in encouraging customers to make a purchase. Therefore it is essential that designers ensure they enhance the display areas of products which are the core of the retail market design. The golden rule with merchandise is that the height of a display should be such that every customer should be able to see it. The product is what sells, so retail displays should always emphasise the merchandise rather than any ornamentation.