What’s on your shopfloor?

The purpose of a shop window and store front is to drive footfall; it needs to be eye-catching, traffic stopping and clear about what the space is going to deliver. It has to deliver the proposition of the store. But what is that? Consumers are currently very price conscious, sustainability conscious and staring at their phones!
A store has to be multi-purpose.
It can be some or all of the following; a cafe, a click and collect point, a return point, somewhere to charge your phone, somewhere to get your nails done, order the latest products, book the latest services, play with products, entertain your kids, have a cocktail, meet up with old friends, work from your laptop… the list is endless.
Here we list our favourite latest ‘services in stores’;
- H&M Manicures, Rentals, Self Checkouts!
- On, new Swiss sports brand with a new store on Regents Street, their lower level floor is for events, panel discussions, workouts and a pop-up bar. They also have a track to test out their shoes.
(photo credit Retail Gazette/ On)
- Gymshark’s Pro Bench- so not just your regular class, they have a designated private space for 121 lifting coaching, for beginners to pros.
(photo credit Drapers/ Gymshark)
- Keune – a flagship hair salon with a difference. Their shopfloor, as well as hosting a number hair dressing stations and three chairs in their shop-in-shop Barber salon, is a cafe and yet all the space can be converted into an awards show, catwalk spectacle or training conference.
(photo credit Keune)
It’s commonly reported that the world of retail is evolving, and with a VR brand opening a physical site too for example; there’s lots for a retailer to play with and lots of ways to engage with your customer base. It’s what you choose and how you do it that’s important. And that forms part of our design strategy phase when working with clients.
We’re excited to see how other brave brands use their shopfloors moving forwards and we’ll keep our blog / social updated on our findings!