Davidoff Cigars
Luxury cigar maker needed refined retail space
Davidoff are the ultimate producer of luxury cigars. They approached Barber to look at updating their travel retail environment and create a store of the future concept to appeal to a younger audience whilst still enticing their loyal customers.
Their rich history is steeped in quality and refinement and our brief was to encompass the rich tradition and heritage of Davidoff and develop this into a contemporary airport ‘stand alone’ retail environment. This was achieved through a clever mix of technology and luxury to appeal to a contemporary audience. We developed a concept that showcased the products whilst capturing the essence of Davidoff cigars as a luxury retailer. The concept was well received by Davidoff as part of their ongoing strategy to embrace retail innovation.
“Delivering luxury retail environments for this exclusive brand who are craftsmen of cigar making. With a rich history we were able to bring in relevant patterns, textures and technology into store to create a unique customer experience.” – Doug Barber, MD
If you have a project you'd like to discuss, give us a call on +44 (0) 207 731 2001 or click the button to contact us: